Dave Stroud

Vocal Studio

Human connection, the work and a little bit of magic.

My Approach To Vocal Development

Human Connection

While I travel with groups and bands and have travelled the world teaching master-classes, my passion is the 1:1 work.

Singing gives us one of the most important and real experiences as humans; a deep sense of social inclusion and connection.

Great singers are the ones we believe when they sing. It’s important to sing for a coach who can witness your performance and guide you towards being your most authentic when you sing so that you develop the capacity to deeply connect with and move the listener.

The Work

Voice lessons don’t work. The work you do in between voice lessons, works. Voice training is a consistent, regular process with me that adds on to the work and challenges the singer. But using that regularly, is what works.

I will give you exactly what you need, specifically for your voice and the stage of your vocal journey. You will record each session with me so that you get a workout that I will strongly encourage you to do twice per day.

But you have to do the work because when you do the work, magic happens.

The Magic

“Wow I can’t believe how easy and light my voice feels!”

”I’m amazed by how good my voice felt on that recording session!”

“I’m blown away by how connected to the song I feel because I’m not worried about my voice.”

It feels like magic, suddenly you’ve the voice you dreamed of, but it was weeks/months in the making. It was you consistently showing up for your voice twice a day, trusting the process and not second guessing whether you’re going to do the work or not, just doing it.

Master-Class In Performance

By Natasha & Daniel Bedingfield

Natasha and Daniel have been students of mine for many years and I have loved working with them both. Additionally,I have learned more from them than they do from me! That is just me being honest.

This rendition of Ain’t Nobody demonstrates everything I believe makes a vocal performance, great. This is a master-class in performance, vocal control, and stage presence.

Houses of Knowledge

The four pillars that guide my approach to coaching any artist.

Pillar #1

The understanding of acoustics,

physics, physiology, and research:

Expert such as Brad Story, Ingo Titze, Ken Bozeman, Voice Science Works (David Harris - Irene Laurel), and others.

This is important, as it’s the foundation of every voice.

Pillar #2

Vocal Instruction:

This is daily use of the voice through pedagogy and focused practicing that create synapses and strong myelin wrapped nerve response.

This requires techniques that support the knowledge of pillar #1

Pillar #3

Vocal Coaching:

Bringing out the uniqueness and artistic potential in singers.

This is often in direct contradiction to the information and knowledge that was gained in pillar 1 and 2, yet it is the most important element to being successful in the contemporary world of music.

Pillar #4

Psychology of Singing

This is the art of staying centered, focused and balanced in stressful situations so as to bring all the houses of knowledge to the stage or studio. This includes managing stage fright or adrenaline.

Expert such as Ayanna Sealy and others are great resources.

What The Artists 

Have To Say

I’ve been lucky enough to be able to work with a multitude of artists from a variety of genres.

Natasha Bedingfield

“Somehow just working on the voice with Dave becomes a kind of therapy.”

  • “I love working with Dave. He knows what the voice is capable of and how to get the most out of it. I love to increase my range and to keep developing my voice like an instrument, bringing more flexibility and greater control of tone and emotion. Dave has been so helpful with this goal. He has even been helpful for songwriting as the knowledge he has given me about vowel pronunciation has really helped. He is technically brilliant but never sacrifices soulfulness over technical correctness. When you work with Dave you realize the emotional connection between the voice and how you are feeling psychologically. Somehow just working on the voice with Dave becomes a kind of therapy.”

Ben Folds

“I've had the privilege of working with Dave over the years as my vocal coach and as a co-host of my songwriter camps.”

  • “I've had the privilege of working with Dave over the years as my vocal coach and as a co-host of my songwriter camps. I've seen first hand how his keen understanding of the creative process helps him better tailor his vast scientific knowledge to most any challenge an artist might face. "

Mike Posner

“He is the real deal.”

  • “Working with Dave Stroud has transformed me from a songwriter who squeaked by in live performances to a vocalist that gets cheers on stage for hitting high notes. He is the real deal.”

Annie Bosko

“He is the vocal shaman, master and healer.”

  • “After my vocal cord surgery, I felt hopeless. I couldn't sing any of my songs until I started training with Dave.

    He put me on the program and within months I could sing everything again. He revolutionized my voice and in some ways I sing even better than before.

    He is the vocal shaman, master and healer.”

Arnel Pineda (Journey)

“My utmost respect and gratitude to you my voice mentor and most of all, my friend, Dave.”

  • 4 years ago or maybe longer, i’ve been contemplating to quitting on singing. I thought I’ve used every tricks i know in singing just to survive Journey tours year after year after year, plus the fact that I went through different vocal teachers over the course of my tenure as Journey’s singer, through Jonathan Cain’s and Neal Schon’s suggestion/recommendation - in my silence and tons of frustrations they only helped me 50%. My assistant Yul Session for 14 years now is just sick worried and concerned with my condition too. Was it me being stubborn? Was it my ears? Am i hearing wrong? Was it the sound system? Ultimately, was it just my voice giving up on me, all worn out and old?

    Then 2022 came, Journey went out to brave through the claws of pandemic(COVID) ,and through the recommendation of Neal Schon (thank you by the way Neal), for the first time I met Dave Stroud.  First thought that came in my head - unintentional doubt, yeah yeah, just another guy.

    We talked and talked, and before i knew it, I opened up, as in I just started pouring out my thoughts and my frustrations to him about my failing voice and the pains/pressures of representing Journey’s legacy all these years and more -he understood. Then he ask me to do voice exercises with him and as we go day after day after day he suddenly heard & realized this voice I’m using, which he felt i almost wasn’t straining at all, and he quickly told me that that’s the voice he wants me to use with the band, and to my surprise magic that voice, the one I’ve long forgotten using which i used to use in my early years gigging with my old bandmates in Manila from 1985 til 2007.  He made me believe and he gave me that level of confidence which I never dared to feel/show from 2008 til 2021 while singing Journey songs.

    I’ll never be able to thank you enough Dave for making me realize what I’m still capable of as a singer by giving my singing voice another lease of life. Thank you for the care warmth and sweetness of your friendship. 

    My utmost respect and gratitude to you my voice mentor and most of all, my friend, Dave.

Matt Scannell (Vertical Horizon)

“My career has been improved by our lessons and my quality of life.”

  • “Until I turned to Dave Stroud, I had a constant battle with my voice when I was on tour. The pain from my strained vocal cords took a significant toll on my performance and my enthusiasm.

    Dave helped me learn to control and improve my voice in ways that no other vocal coach had. He's extremely encouraging and easy to work with and creates an environment where it's safe to make mistakes.

    My career has been improved by our lessons - and my quality of life, too. I'm no longer in pain when I sing, and I'm forever grateful to Dave for that.”

Alex Shipp

“He’s the only one I trust to refine my technique and protect my gift!”

  • I’ve been working with Dave since I was 8 years old! He has taken care of not only my voice, but has been an incredible mentor throughout the almost 2 decades we’ve been together. He’s the only one I trust to refine my technique and protect my gift!

Terry Ellis

“I can sing for long periods of time without ever getting tired.”

  • “I never leave home without my lesson CDs, which I use religiously to warm up before live shows and recording sessions.

    Being an R&B and gospel singer, I really have to be able to sing through my mix strongly and consistently.

    Dave has gotten me to the point of feeling so comfortable moving from my chest to middle to head voice, that I can sing for long periods of time without ever getting tired-He's amazing!”

Salem Darling

“He knows just the right exercises to help strengthen your voice in areas of difficulty.”

  • “Dave Stroud is one of my favorite people to work with. His vocal teaching style is fun, laid back, and energetic all at the same time.

    I always have the best time with him. He knows just the right exercises to help strengthen your voice in areas of difficulty.

    I'm so happy to learn from his years of experience and am excited to grow as vocalist even more!”

Bryce Soderberg

“He genuinely cares about the artist's struggles and well-being.”

  • “Not only is Dave technically the most gifted and experienced vocal coach in the industry, he genuinely cares about the artist's struggles and well-being.

    He guided my journey as a background vocalist to a front man's in very little time. He is selfless, generous with his time, knows how to visually explain the mechanics of the machine of the voice, and has built my confidence overall.

    I regularly work with him over Skype when I am on the road, and utilize his routines daily. He is the best there is.”

Trev Lukather

“Makes the process of building your voice, no matter how far along you are, easy and fun.”

  • Dave Stroud is a force. The comfort level you feel immediately being around him, makes the process of building your voice, no matter how far along you are, easy and fun. Dave’s approach to building your confidence to truly be your best self as an artist and singer, is one of a kind. I personally, have always dreaded vocal lessons until I worked with Dave. He truly cares about everyone he works with. He listens to your story, he finds your strengths and next thing you know, you’re hitting notes you never thought you could. You can’t help but brag about the guy. My Pop, Toto and Journey snagged him in a blink. He has had such an impact on my life and my wife Madison’s that we had the honor of Dave marrying us. That’s how amazing this man is! Do yourself a favor and book a lesson. Your life will change from that moment on.

    Love you Dave!

Ethan Bortnick

“Dave is not only the best vocal coach but one of the best people I've gotten to know.”

  • “Dave is not only the best vocal coach but one of the best people I've gotten to know in my life thus far.

    Since I was 8, Dave has been the kindest and most compassionate friend to me and my family.

    He cares very passionately about all his students and artists and has been along for their journey for years, just as he has been a part of mine.”

Kara Britz

“Dave has quite literally carried me on his back through the scariest times of my career.”

  • Dave has quite literally carried me on his back through the scariest times of my career. From guiding me through a possible career ending vocal injury, being “on call” for my entire first tour back from nodule removal surgery, to coaching me through life changes helping me to evolve as a vocalist and overall versatile musician in our ever changing industry! I credit my continued success as a vocalist to the routines that Dave has instilled in me. He has been a consistent friend and coach to me throughout the last 15 years of my 20 year career here in Los Angeles. My only wish would have been to work with him sooner.

porter robinson

“Dave always considers the human and the artist first and foremost.”

  • Dave isn't just an incredible voice coach with a deep understanding of the technique, the physiology, and development of the singing voice -- although he understands these things, amply -- he ALSO possesses a deep understanding of creativity, touring life, the music industry, and the human condition, which makes him a genuine, reliable friend. Dave always considers the human and the artist first and foremost, and he's been an invaluable ally to me in virtually every aspect of my development.

About Dave

For me it was John Denver – a voice so truthful that, once heard, changed the composition of my soul forever. As a wide-eyed Utah teen, a new life journey was born: I was destined to be a rockstar. Chasing the dream, I moved to San Francisco in my early 20’s and started performing only to find that, for me, the “dream” was more fun than its grueling and unforgiving counterpart “reality.” But in the fallout from that lesson, I was lucky that my heart fell in love with something new… a love so obvious that I’ve committed my entire life to it: learning. 

The Bay Area in the ‘90s was a hot-bed of raw talent: En Vogue, Santana, Green Day, and 4 Non Blondes, to name a few, were all products of the region’s unique cultural diversity. My early stints on stage led to friendships with many of their background singers and staff, including Seth Riggs, whose vocal coaching had strengthened the stamina they needed night after night as touring musicians. I had to know the secret. So when the opportunity came in 2000 to help institutionalize and distribute his practice into a formal teachable method, I took the helm. We developed Speech Level Singing, a program that allows singers to inflect authentic emotion into a performance with the same ease as simply speaking. The technique was so profound and effective that at its peak, we’d certified over 700 voice teachers in the practice, and tens of thousands of students reached the highest potential of their craft. As a coach, I learned how to deal with the music business on a global level. And teaching in more countries than my passport could hande, in a way, I’d become a rockstar after all. 

  • Hungry for more growth, in 2010 I re-established my own vocal studio. I opened my first one in 1987 but joined Seth's around 1997.

    I began meeting monthly with Ingo Titze and Brad Story to strengthen my understanding of the voice on a physical and scientific level and became obsessed with the latest ENT and laryngology research. As my wealth of knowledge expanded, and my one-to-one training became more in-depth, I nurtured my clients’ development far beyond vocal technique, exploring the many interweaving layers that create a truthful, soulful performer. Quickly my studio became a top-tier creative community, with mentees ranging from industry newcomers to seasoned pop veterans, the likes of whom have won Grammys, charted #1 songs, performed on international stages, and crafted timeless albums beloved across the generational spectrum.

    These successes have afforded me life-changing opportunities – coaching A-list stars through global tours, directing performances on TV talent competitions, and teaching future mentors around the world. My current and previous client list is a who's who of the last 40 years of some of the best singers in the industry.

    But throughout it all, I have never stopped being a student. Between my intense “hobbies” of getting my pilot’s license, scuba-diving, or captaining yachts around Catalina, I have also developed a proprietary vocal coaching software “SingPro,” organized an annual retreat for up-and-coming talent to network and learn from industry leaders “VocalizeU,” and founded “Vocology in Practice (ViP),” an international organization of instructors, producers and doctors to provide students anywhere with first-rate educational opportunities. My favorite lesson I’ve learned over time is: It’s OK to say “I don’t know.” That’s how we grow. As I continue to focus on label artist development, one-to-one training and coaching touring musicians, I enjoy soaking up the beautiful weather in Los Angeles where I currently reside with my partner Shannon and our pup Cashi. 

Explore My Vocal Projects

  • Sing Talk Podcast

    Listen to us talk with some of the world’s greatest singers, vocal coaches, songwriters, managers and other members of the music industry. We explore vocal development and voice anatomy, unraveling the art and science behind great singing.

    Our special guests also share with us the stories, wisdom and experience from their incredible careers, revealing what it takes to make it in the music business.

  • VocalizeU

    VocalizeU is a global artist development & education company for beginning, emerging, and professional singers.

    We provide vocal and artistry education through training products, live events, workshops, masterclasses, vocal experts, industry mentorship, and an international community.

  • SingPro

    SingPro is the first and only fully mobile vocal training and vocal lessons program that works right off your phone, tablet, laptop and desktop computer! It is easy to use and will increase your vocal range, power, tone and pitch.

    Singers from all over the world use SINGPRO to warm up for a show, practice their songs, train with their teachers and build their voice.

  • Vocology In Practice

    ViP’s global network includes singing teachers, vocal coaches, songwriters, producers, music industry professionals, speech and language practitioners, ENT’s and laryngologists.

    We exist as a community committed to continuous professional development, education and networking via in person training, one on one mentorship, research, educational events, seminars, webinars and articles.

  • Spectrogram Analyzer

    I’m deeply interested in the ongoing scientific research of the voice and how the use of technology can support a singer’s growth and development.

    The spectrogram analyzer I created is a visual representation of the voice. It’s a software program that allows singers to see their unique vocal fingerprint in real time. To see “under the hood” and identify the sweet spots of their unique voice. Click on the link to use it and feel free to message me if you need help to understand its functions. p.s. - it's free :)

  • If You Believe

    If You Believe was a fundraiser for the West Coast Songwriting Association. It featured 75 of my voice students, it was written and directed by Dean Altit and a handful of Michael Jackson’s team produced it.

    The song charted no. 32 on the adult contemporary charts bringing together an amazing group of vocalists and creating visibility for the West Coast Songwriting Association. 

Get In Touch

Connect with personally using my information below:

If I can help, I’ll let you know. If not, I’ll be sure to have an alternative recommendation.




+1 (310) 818-9176

(I prefer text over phone call).